What You Need to Know About 3D Printed Jewelry

Not all 3D printers marketed for the jewelry market are created equally. The patented PSA with reference glass is one of the many reasons EnvisionTEC printers outperform the competitors in delivering an accurate and usable part. The following set of examples demonstrates the difference between a professional-grade EnvisionTEC Micro Plus Hi-Res and a low-cost hobbyist version. This study illustrates the difference in quality between EnvisionTEC and the competitor through photographs of parts magnified 200x under a microscope.

Competitor Ring

In this example, the competitor’s build was grown at a layer thickness of 75 microns. We drew the blue lines which indicate layers built by the competitor’s machine. We then used a microscope to measure the thickness of each layer (the picture below labels the layers as Parallels 1-3).


As you can see in the emphasized layers below, there’s a huge variation in the layer thickness of almost 2x what the designated required thickness.

  • Layer 1 measures 100 microns, 25 microns larger than desired thickness
  • Layer 2 measures 65 microns, 10 microns smaller than desired thickness
  • Layer 3 measures 140 microns, 65 microns larger the desired thickness which is almost double desired value

The variation of almost 100% is due in part to the lower accuracy of the Z axis motor assembly of cheap machines, and the fact that they build jewelry without a solid reference surface. Think about trying to build a structure on a trampoline. Any sagging during the build will lead to huge errors. Resulting in increased cost of precious metals when you cast, higher labor costs, errors in the overall accuracy and fidelity of the detail in the ring, and finally, it also means more time for stone setting.

The next image from a competitor’s ring features the same inconsistent result. The 3D printed jewelry was set to grow at 50 microns layer thickness in the Z direction. From the smallest layer thickness of 51 microns to the largest measuring 93 microns. A discrepancy of over 40 microns is inaccurate and inconsistent. Poor quality printing is visibly inconsistent on the microscopic level, translating to surface finish that is jagged and uneven. Companies will have to devote extra manual labor for finishing.


asiga-ring-6-measurements-300x225EnvisionTEC’s Ring

This example shows the distance between the different curing depth on a part built at 25 microns shows minimum variation in the thickness during the build process. The photo below shows an EnvisionTEC ring under 200X microscope at 25 microns curing depth:
• Layer 1 measures at 25.25 microns
• Layer 2 measures at 25.28 microns
• Layer 3 measures  at 25.04 microns
• Layer 4 measures at 24.92 microns

The maximum error in part build on the Micro is less than 1% compared to almost 100% error in layers with the cheaper competing printer.

envisiontec-ring-1024x368EnvisionTEC’s Firm Build Plate Foundation

EnvisionTEC Perfactory® Micro and Perfactory® Standard 3D printers have a transparent sheet of optical glass sitting beneath the thin, Pre-Stretched Assembly (PSA). The glass guarantees uniform uncured material thickness before any curing takes place to achieve a print consistent to the original design at the micron level. The difference under a microscope clearly shows 3D printed jewelry by EnvisionTEC is smoother with higher quality surface finish than the competitor’s.


Uniform curing in z-axis depth due to pre-stretched assembly with reference optical glass.

The glass plate serves as a stopping point for the PSA (in hand) in case the assembly sags or stretches during build time.

The glass plate serves as a stopping point for the PSA (in hand) in case the assembly sags or stretches during build time.

All this occurs with the support of the sheet of glass sitting beneath the PSA. This glass layer prevents the thinly-stretched assembly from sagging during build time, which would create inconsistent layers as seen in the competitor’s 3D printed jewelry photo below. The competitor’s printer doesn’t have a second tray on the bottom of the build plate. Therefore, the build platform does not have a reference point as it builds.The build plate moves downward and grows the rings upside-down from a vat of resin sitting on a thin unsupported platform sagging in either direction, as if it were a trampoline. These equipment suppliers sell you a one-time-use plastic tray for their material, because of the floating film sags.

Photographic Comparisons

Low cost sub $10,000 3D Printer rings grown at 25 microns

Low cost sub $10,000 3D Printer rings grown at 25 microns

EnvisionTEC rings grown at 25 microns with higher quality surface image.

EnvisionTEC rings grown at 25 microns with higher quality surface image.

A close-up of the Asiga ring showing layer inconsistency and bad surface finish

A close-up of the Asiga ring showing layer inconsistency and bad surface finish

EnvisionTEC 3D printing supports jewelry-making with special materials formulated for crisp detail and zero porosity casting. EnvisionTEC delivers great accuracy -– builds come out looking just like the .stl file. However, what about beyond the buildplate? Are you making the most out of your CAD benchwork? As many users of computer-aided design are aware, it’s frustrating when your 3D prints don’t hold up to their intended application. In the case of jewelry, 3D printed items need to be tough enough to withstand high-pressure and high-temperature processes. Casting is one such process that requires great accuracy as well as specialized material properties. EnvisionTEC offers a range of materials suited for casting applications. See EnvisionTEC’s Best Practices for Casting.

Uncured jewelry samples (Counter-clockwise from top left) with supports; right, improperly cured ring with support

Uncured jewelry samples (Counter-clockwise from top left) with supports; right, improperly cured ring with support

In order to see the benefits of your material and EnvisionTEC 3D printer and create beautiful jewelry from 3D files, it’s necessary to follow instructions with care. Before a jeweler can cast a 3D printed piece of jewelry, it’s necessary that the item is cured properly. Any new EnvisionTEC users are always given instruction on removing builds from the build plate carefully, cleaning the items with isopropyl alcohol and multiple tubs, using the correct tools to remove supports, and finally, curing the items properly. All builds must be cured before the intended application. All builds must have supports removed before they are placed in the curing oven. For jewelry parts, especially finger rings, it’s necessary to remove all supports before the items are placed in a curing oven.


An uncured ring (left); improperly cured ring (right)

The above photograph shows the difference between an uncured and improperly cured ring. The ring on the left is a lighter color with uniform opacity, while the improperly cured piece of jewelry on the right exhibits uneven coloring and warping.

Though some pieces may have a small amount of supports, it’s essential that these are removed to allow the curing light to reach the full surface area of the piece. In the case of rings, the curing light could not reach the areas blocked by supports — when the improperly cured portion was removed for casting, the casting failed due to incomplete burnout.

The next time a company promises you a 3D printer for jewelry for $5,000-$10,000, re

Improperly cured ring with supports

Improperly cured ring with supports

member that you get what you pay for. Look to EnvisionTEC and our line of 3D printers for your business when a professional grade printer is required.

If you want to experience some of the same advantages, contact EnvisionTEC today to speak with a sales representative.

Phone: 1-313-436-4300
Website: http://env.ciwebstudio.com/contact-us/
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