Vote for the Top TCT Dog Names

Help Us Choose a Name for Our TCT Dog

The contest is now closed! We have finally selected the top 10 names submitted for our mechanical dog, which gained popularity last month during the TCT show in Birmingham, UK.

At the show, the idea was simple. Put your name suggestion on your business card and place it in the bowl, then a winner would be drawn. However, many people at the show didn’t have cards. Plus, we kept on losing pens! So, we decided to take to the internet to give more people a chance to name our TCT Dog and win a Shinola watch.

Cast your vote for one of the names below:

  1. Robus
  2. BOLT
  3. PolyK9
  4. Fido Punk
  5. Mechano
  6. 3 Dog
  7. Lass-C++
  8. TeknoWoof
  9. Mechabyte
  10. The “Hell Dog”

Simply, send us a tweet on Twitter or add your vote to our TCT Dog Facebook post.

The person with the most votes will win a Shinola watch, handmade in the USA.

Follow our social channels, the winner will be announced on Monday, November 13, 2017. 

Help us choose!

Dog Crowd